How to File a Car Accident Claim in Oklahoma City

By: RRB Marketing On January 17, 2024
How to file a car accident claim in Oklahoma City

Knowing the steps to file a claim is vital if you're involved in a car accident in Oklahoma City. This process ensures you receive compensation for damages and injuries. Filing a claim can seem overwhelming, but it's vital to get the support you need. Understanding each step of the process will help you confidently navigate this challenging time. At Richardson Richardson Boudreaux, an experienced car accident lawyer from our Oklahoma law firm, can help you use your car accident report to file a claim, even with the other driver's insurance company.

You need to understand the coverage of your auto insurance policy and how the insurance claims adjuster may try to minimize your claim. Our lawyers can pursue the at-fault driver for compensation that addresses your medical bills and property damage.

Explore further details on how to file a car accident claim below. Then, contact us to see if we can commence a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation for your medical treatment.

Overview of the Importance of Filing a Car Accident Claim

Filing a motor vehicle accident claim is essential for several reasons. First, it provides a formal record of the incident, which is crucial for any legal proceedings. Next, it helps to ensure that you are compensated for any damages or injuries sustained. This compensation is key to covering repair costs and medical expenses.

Furthermore, a claim can help establish fault and liability, which is important in Oklahoma City, where fault can impact your compensation. The process also allows you to negotiate with insurance companies more effectively. Remember, a claim is not just about the immediate aftermath but also about securing your financial and legal interests in the long run.

Gathering Information at the Scene

Gathering information at the scene

Right after the accident, gathering as much information as possible is essential. This includes the other driver's name, contact details, and insurance information. Also, note the make, model, and license plate of the other vehicle. This information is crucial for your insurance claim, even if it's only liability insurance.

Taking Photos of the Scene and Damages

Photos can be powerful evidence in a car accident claim. Document the accident scene with pictures, including street signs and traffic signals. Capture different angles of the vehicles involved, showing the damage clearly. These photos can help establish the accident's context and impact.

In addition, if there are skid marks or debris, photograph these as well. They can help reconstruct the accident's events and determine fault. Try to capture a wide view of the accident scene and close-up shots of specific damages. Remember, these images can be invaluable during the insurance claim process.

Exchanging Information With the Other Party

Exchanging information with the other party is a critical step. Make sure you get their full name, contact information, insurance company, and policy number. Being polite and calm during this exchange is essential, even if the situation is stressful.

Avoid discussing the fault or details of the accident beyond the necessary information exchange. Any admission can be used against you in the claim process. If the other party is uncooperative, note down their vehicle's details and contact the police. Your insurance company can use this information to track down their insurer.

Collecting Witness Information

If there are witnesses to the accident, get their contact information. Witnesses can give an impartial account of the incident, which is valuable in establishing what happened. Ask them to briefly describe what they saw and heard.

Witnesses can often provide details that the drivers involved might not notice or remember. Their perspective can be crucial in determining fault and supporting your claim.

Seeking Medical Attention

After a car accident, seeking medical attention is crucial, even if you feel fine. Some injuries, like whiplash or concussions, might not be immediately apparent. A medical expert can assess your condition and provide necessary treatment.

Documenting Injuries for the Claim

When you seek medical attention, ensure that all injuries are documented. This documentation is essential for your claim, as it links the injuries to the accident. Keep track of every medical visit, treatment, and diagnosis related to the accident.

They provide evidence of the extent and impact of your injuries. This documentation can be crucial in negotiating compensation, especially for long-term or severe injuries.

Obtaining Medical Records and Bills

Request copies of all medical documents and invoices pertaining to the accident. These records should include the treatment, medications, and other medical expenses incurred. Keep them organized and accessible, as they will be vital for your claim.

These documents play a major role in calculating your compensation. They help quantify the financial impact of the accident, which is crucial for negotiating with insurance companies. Emphasize the importance of keeping a comprehensive and detailed record of all medical-related expenses.

Notifying Authorities and Insurance Companies

Gathering information at the scene

Reporting the Accident to the Police

In Oklahoma City, you must report a car crash to the police if it results in injury, death, or significant property damage. The police report is a crucial document for your claim. It provides an official account of the crash and can be used to support your version of events.

Contacting Your Insurance Company

As soon as possible, inform your insurance company about the accident. Provide them with all the information you've gathered, including the police report, if available. Be honest and detailed in your account, as this will help with your claim processing.

Understanding your policy coverage is vital. Know what your policy covers in terms of damages, medical expenses, and liability. This knowledge will help you understand what compensation you can expect and negotiate accordingly.

Understanding Fault and Liability in Oklahoma

Oklahoma's Comparative Negligence System

Oklahoma follows a comparative negligence system. If you are partially at fault for the crash, your compensation will be cut by your percentage of fault. It's crucial to understand how the negligence system works, as it directly impacts the outcome of your claim.

Determining Liability for the Accident

Determining liability involves assessing who was at fault for the accident. Evidence like photographs, witness statements, and the police report play a key role in this process. Your ability to prove the other party's liability is crucial for a successful claim.

Filing a Claim With the At-Fault Driver's Insurance

Filing a personal injury lawsuit in Oklahoma City

Initiating the Claims Process

To start the claims process:

  1. Contact the at-fault driver's insurance company.
  2. Provide them with the necessary information about the accident, including any evidence you have collected.
  3. Be prepared to give a detailed account of the incident.

Providing Necessary Documentation

Submit all relevant documentation, such as photos, witness statements, and the police report. This evidence will support your claim and help establish the other driver's liability. Be thorough and organized in your submission to avoid any delays.

Negotiating a Settlement

Once your claim is processed, the insurance company may offer a settlement. It's important to review this offer carefully. Consider whether it covers all your expenses and losses. You may need to negotiate for a better settlement if the offer is insufficient.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Oklahoma City

Hiring an Attorney

Consider hiring an attorney, especially if your case is complex or the insurance settlement is unsatisfactory. An experienced lawyer can shepherd you through the legal process and advocate on your behalf. They can also help in negotiating a fair settlement.

Filing the Lawsuit

If you decide to file a lawsuit, your attorney will aid you in preparing the essential documents. This includes a complaint that outlines your case and the damages you seek.

Discovery Process

During the discovery process, both sides exchange information and evidence related to the case. This includes witness testimonies, medical records, and other relevant documents.

Settlement Negotiations or Trial

Many car accident cases are settled before going to trial. Settlement negotiations can result in fair compensation without the uncertainty of a trial. However, your case will go to trial if a settlement is not reached. There, a judge or jury will decide the outcome.

Statute of Limitations of Car Accident Claim in Oklahoma City

In Oklahoma City, you have two years from the car accident date to file a personal injury lawsuit. This time limit is known as the statute of limitations. If you file after this period, your case will likely be dismissed.

Types of Damages Available

Medical Expenses

Compensation for medical expenses includes hospital bills, medication costs, and any future medical care related to the accident. These expenses can be substantial, so it's important to document everything thoroughly.

Property Damage

This compensation covers the expense of repairing or replacing your car. It will also compensate you for any other personal property damaged in the accident. Keep all repair bills and receipts as proof of these expenses.

Lost Wages

If the accident caused you to miss work, you could be compensated for lost wages. This will cover the money you lost while recovering and any future earnings lost due to long-term injuries.

Pain and Suffering

Compensation for pain and suffering will address your emotional and physical distress after the crash. This can be harder to quantify but is essential to your overall compensation.

How Our Car Accident Claim Can Help You to File a Case in Oklahoma City

  • We provide expert legal guidance on navigating the claim process, ensuring you understand each step.
  • Our team assists in gathering and organizing all necessary documentation, from police reports to medical records.
  • We negotiate with insurers for you to secure the best possible settlement.
  • In cases of litigation, we represent you in court, leveraging our expertise to advocate for your rights.
  • Our firm offers personalized support, tailoring our approach to meet the unique needs of your case.

Get Legal Help With Your Car Accident Claim in Oklahoma City | Richardson Richardson Boudreaux Today!

Get legal help with your car accident claim in Oklahoma City

If you've been in a car accident in Oklahoma City, Richardson Richardson Boudreaux is here to help. We are committed to helping you every step of the way, from filing the claim to negotiating a fair settlement.

Don't navigate this challenging time alone. Let us help you secure the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a consultation. We are dedicated to fighting for your rights and ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.

We remain available for evening and weekend appointments by request. We don't get paid until we win. Fill out a form or call us at 918-492-7674 to get started with a free consultation.


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